IHLAZO | Series | Episode 4

Siza has found an ally in her aunt. Both women agree that Siza is not going back to her husband and that the marriage is as good as dead. Obviously, this does not sit well with Siza’s husband and her father. Meanwhile, Jango is misbehaving as usual, taking unnecessary risks with his sexual choices while Mathanzima is trying his luck on Siza’s young sister. Life is a game of choices. Watch the story unfold as the different characters make their choices.

#shortfilm #bulawayo #zimbabwe #africa #childmarriages #endchildmarriages #series #mybodymyfuture #mybodymychoice

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Studio 10
National Gallery Bulawayo
75 J. M. N. Nkomo / L. Takawira Avenue

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 029 2263928

Office Hours

Monday - Friday: 09:00 - 15:30
Weekends: Closed
Public Holidays: Closed

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