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Sexual purity by Princess Masuku

“We are in the 21st century”, a chant we’ve either echoed or heard one bellow...

Amplify Girls Voices
July 6, 2021

Married and living at a dumpsite at 17 by Melissa Mpofu

Having finished Grade 7 at the age of 16, young lady Bridget (not her real...

Amplify Girls Voices
July 6, 2021

The necessity of platforms that specifically address girls’ issues by Patience Tomu

Rape, early and forced marriages, unwanted pregnancies, school dropouts, sextortion, human trafficking and all manner...

Amplify Girls Voices
July 6, 2021

Living with Guardians…. A Bittersweet Tale by Hazel Gutsa

Slumber parties, sleepovers, all night parties, weekend gateways, you name it, everything goes; that is...

Amplify Girls Voices
August 6, 2021

Period Poverty by Sibonginkosi Moyo

Period poverty is a term that only started popping up in these last few years,...

Amplify Girls Voices
January 10, 2023

The Importance of accessing SRH Information and Services by Nesipho Zamaswazi Tshabalala

The ultimate goal of any sexual and reproductive health program is to ensure cost effectiveness,...

Amplify Girls Voices
January 10, 2023

Young and Changing the World By Mellisa Mpofu

In an evolving society, it is only right to recognise the efforts being made by...

Amplify Girls Voices
January 10, 2023

New Age of consent, what does it mean for us? by Princess Masuku

The amendment of the legal age as to which one can consent to sexual relations...

Amplify Girls Voices
January 10, 2023

The barrier between us by Chantel Chisiri

Just because she kept quiet It does not mean she said yes! And your refusal...

Amplify Girls Voices
January 10, 2023

Damage Control by Chidadiso Mbazo

Lwandle sighed heavily and sat on her bed staring in disbelief. She picked it up...

Amplify Girls Voices
January 10, 2023

To our sisters by Zoleka Fuyana

Love is not to persevere,   It is not decorated in bruises and blisters  ...

Amplify Girls Voices
January 10, 2023

Eliminating harmful practices in slums by Kimberly Malima

In celebrating the day of an African child this year, we went to the Ngozi...

Amplify Girls Voices
January 10, 2023


Studio 10
National Gallery Bulawayo
75 J. M. N. Nkomo / L. Takawira Avenue

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 029 2263928

Office Hours

Monday - Friday: 09:00 - 15:30
Weekends: Closed
Public Holidays: Closed

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